Reading for pleasure and other things on my mind

Hey guys!  I know it’s been a while since I actually wrote out a blog post.  I do have some guests joining me next week and then in February.  I hope you enjoy their posts/interviews!

But, what I really wanted to write about, I forgot, so I’m writing this instead.  And because this has been weighing on my mind.

As authors, we can get lost in our work and in the fact that we have 100 or so things that need to be done.  But what I tend to forget is that I can’t always let work consume my mind.  I can be lying in bed in the middle of the night and wake up thinking about my extensive To-Do list, new ways to market my books, possible new story ideas, etc etc.  It has gotten to where I can’t sleep well because so many different things are running through my mind.

So, I’ve decided to do something  for myself this year.  I plan on reading books for pleasure, not because I feel like I need to read and review books for my wonderful author friends who I offer up reviews for.  Please do not get me wrong.  I enjoy reading and reviewing books for my friends and acquaintances, but what I don’t enjoy is feeling overwhelmed because I have over-committed myself.  I have a tendency of saying “yes” when I really should be saying “no,” but that’s only because I want to give back to the wonderful people who have helped me in this crazy journey called “being an author.”

I just feel like I owe it to myself, right now, to do something for me.  So, that is why I have made this one New Year’s Resolution, and I’m seeing it through.  Along with a few other resolutions, I have decided to finally read the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  It’s been something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but I’ve never allotted myself the time to read it because of others obligations.

If you’ve noticed, I sometimes do reviews for authors on here.  But, I’m not a reviewer, and I’m currently not taking unsolicited books for review.  If I want to review your book, I will offer up the review myself.  I’m not trying to be rude.  I’m trying to keep myself from feeling over-whelmed and stressed.

This year, I probably won’t review books unless I choose to write reviews for the books that I want to read and review.  Again, I’m not trying to be rude.  Truly I’m not.  But one of my resolutions is to think more of myself and my health this year, and I’m already too stressed and overwhelmed.  And it’s just the second week of 2013!

So, I hope you guys will understand.  I appreciate you all for coming to me for help when you need, and I’m more than willing to help out in any other way.

For more information on what I will and won’t do for this blog will be under my contact me page.

9 thoughts on “Reading for pleasure and other things on my mind

  1. I know how you feel, Emerald. I had exactly the same problem last year in that, as I am currently building my business, I spent every minute of every day either working, or thinking about other things that needed to be done, such as marketing, finding new clients, etc.

    This year I’m forcing myself not to work after a certain time. Day time is for business things and professional work (just like everyone else) and then the evenings/nights are for relaxing, fun, etc. Luckily now that things are starting to take off it’s getting to the point where I can afford not to spend all of my time on the business.

    I really need to complete LOTR as well. I got to halfway through book 3 and then got distracted by something else and by the time I remembered, I knew it had been too long for me to pick up where I left off. Good luck!


    1. Good luck to you as well, Rowan! Thanks for the comment.

      I hated to pull out the “I won’t review your book” card, but I cannot keep going as I am and still stay sane. haha

      I invite all authors to join me on my blog for an interview and guest posts. I just simply can’t read and review books. lol

      I’m glad that things are finally going well for you and your business. I wish you much success with it. 🙂


  2. LOTR does take some commitment to get through. I must have made it partway, fallen off the wagon, and had to start over some three or four times before I finally crossed the finish line. Go for it, Em!

    And by all means do allow yourself the Emerald Time you need. A courteous “no” is not rudeness — (you hear that, Me? “No”s are allowed! Embrace it!) — including the occasional “no” to our workaholic writer-type selves. Everyone has a breaking point, which we should all ideally aim to find before we break, not after. (:

    Happy reading, to you!


    1. It does! I’m very determined to read it this year! I will do it! 🙂

      I’m trying really hard to allow myself some me time. I’ve recently gotten into Downton Abbey, so I’m making myself stop working at night, I’ll read a little and watch Downton Abbey until I go to bed. And if I start thinking about what I need to do while lying there, I force myself to think of something different and let my mind relax. 🙂


  3. I’m the same, making lists when I should be going to sleep. Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Good luck with Lord of the Rings 🙂 I found those books very difficult to get through.


    1. They can be rather difficult to read. I find that my mind wanders every now and then while reading them, but I’m extremely determined to get them read! I’ve been wanting to for a while, and this is my year! lol

      It does feel as if there isn’t enough time to do everything I need to, but it’s time to learn that there is enough time. 🙂

      Good luck with your “list making.” 🙂


  4. I think it’s very important to do things that aren’t immediately productive in any way. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, and it can lead to all sorts of unexpected things.

    And, yes, do read Lord of the Rings. There’s nothing quite like it.


  5. Pingback: Good grief… will I ever get a break?! « Emerald Barnes' Dreaming Awake Blog

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